![]() WAYS TO SERVE AND BE SERVED Childrens Ministry: Weekly Sunday School
Wednesday Night Kingdom Kids (during School Year)
Summer Vacation Bible School Youth Ministry: Weekly Sunday School Wednesday Night Youth Group (during School Year) Greeters and Ushers in Training Adult Ministry: Weekly Sunday School Men's Bible Studies (Fall & Spring) Women's Bible Studies (Fall & Spring) Adult Studies (Friday evenings) Evangelism Training (as requested) Women's Night Out Family Fellowship: Pot Luck Dinners Summer Picnics New Years Eve Fellowship Party ![]() It is possible to be a member or regular attender of a church, but never be part of the team that makes the church function properly. Spiritual growth happens when you move from being a receiver to being a reproducer. A church of 100 people could not function if there were 100 pastors, but neither can it function well if only one person does everything in the ministry.
Each and every Christian is called to serve. Please let us know if you are ready to serve at Amy Chapel. We may not know your interest or skills, so don't be afraid to speak up. We are the arms and legs of the Church. Unless we all do our part, someone will miss out on God's best at Amy Chapel. A few potential service areas: Kitchen help at potlucks
Prayer support for a teacher, student, or activity Teacher of children, youth, or adults Assistant to teacher of children, youth, or adults Nursery worker Clean the church once a quarter Bible Study leader or assistant leader Prepare or deliver meals as needed Mentor one on one Visit people in the hospital Help the widows or shut ins Send notes of encouragement Visit people in the hospital Invite others to church Assist with maintenance of the church Set up for events A/V Ministry Start a choir Provide special music Watch for new people and greet them Host a dinner of people who might not know each other Drive someone to church or an appointment Galations 5:13
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